Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More applesauce

I'm still making applesauce in the crock pots. I'm starting to run out of jars. Who would have thought! The thing I like about crock pot applesauce is that you don't have to run it through a food mill or blender. (I suppose you could if you like your sauce very smooth.) I have two crock pots and I run them both at the same time. Here's the basic recipe:

10 apples of whatever variety you like, peeled, cored, sliced
1/2 c water
1 tsp cinnamon

Place apples and water crock pot. Cook on high for 3-4 hours, low 8-10, stirring occasionally. Stir in cinnamon when it's starting to look like sauce. Cook until you have sauce at you desired consistency. The times were accurate for one of my crock pots while the bigger one with the removable pot took twice as long (on high).

Tomorrow, I need to shred and/or cube more zucchini to freeze. I'm also out of chicken broth so my last stewing hen will be busy tomorrow. ; ) There are still apples, so sometime I need to get those cooking.

I'm thankful God has provided us with a bountiful harvest. I'm sorry for the times I said, "I never want to see another tomato or zucchini."


Mom said...

It has been a very good year for apples here. I've heard people say they are getting very tired of "doing apples." Despite a bumper crop, the stores have not lowered their prices. Our tomatoes did not produce well, but we are not gardening like we used to so I don't know about produce in general.

Mom to Anyone said...

Homemade applesauce is so much yummier than store bought! Are you eating it yet (re: diet)?

Cheri said...

Apples and zucchini has been our theme around here too for the past few months.

We'll be glad we did all this work this winter when we can bake a loaf of zucchini bread or have some applesauce pancakes!

Love..the Target dishes.

momawake said...

I am not eating it yet. :(

Maybe in another 1.5 yrs.