Monday, October 27, 2008

Tithe Sermon pt. 1

For the next several days I want to blog about a sermon on tithing one of our elders gave. He gave me his outline and notes with permission to use it here. The part that impacted me the most is at the end, so that'll be a few days from now.

A. Let me ask you some questions.
1. The life that's in you-where does it come from?
Gen. 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

2. Your body's ability to heal and repair itself-where does that come from?
Your body continues year after year, with billions of cells carrying on the business of repairing and duplicating themselves, with the immune systen fighting off disease until the time God withdraws His sustaining vitality, and the body, within hours, begins to rot and decay. God is the creator and sustainer of all life. We could not continue to exist for an instant but for His sustaining grace.

More tomorrow, Lord willing.

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