Friday, October 31, 2008

Charlotte Mason quote

I just read a CM quote that I need to apply to my own life.

"The habit of holding oneself well in hand, the being impervious to small annoyances, cheerful under small inconveniences, ready for action with what is called 'presence of mind' in all the little casualties of the hour--this is a habit which should be trained in the nursery. 'If you are vexed don't show it,' is usually a quite safe teaching, because every kind of fretfulness, impatience, resentfulness and nervous irritability passes away under self-control."

Back to the post.


Mom to Anyone said...

What a coincidence! I have been thinking today about women who are just that - cool, even, and self disciplined. They seem more productive and successful with family life.

Mom said...

I like the part of starting with the cradle. If even temperament is exemplified by parents, the children will "catch" it too.