Saturday, May 10, 2008


I was cleaning out email files when I came across an email from Family Life. I'm on their list to receive "Marriage Memo." This one was entitled "'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' in Marriage." There was a quote at the end of that email that I wish I would have written.

"A marriage is about seeing each other through God's eyes, hearing each other with God's ears, lifting each other with God's hands, encouraging each other with God's Words, and loving each other with God's heart. Marriage is about choosing each day, each minute, to honor God with our words and actions, and in turn, we honor our spouses. Marriage is recognizing that God created my husband specifically for me … How can I not love, honor, treasure a perfect gift from my perfect God?" -Sherry Jennings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful encouragement. So far, that is what I've strived for in my marriage. I pray and hope that after 20 years, I'll still be working as hard at that as I have after 1. I'm so blessed to have the sweet husband that I do.