Monday, April 12, 2010

Homeschool Conference, etc.

This is the ceiling of the ballroom at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati.

I am so glad to be home. Although I'm so glad I was away as well. We just returned from attending the Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati. We also were able to spend a day with my sister and her family. I'm still processing all I heard and saw.

For now, things for which I'm thankful to God.
1. Good sleep each night. That's rare.
2. Encouraging speakers. I really don't want to single anyone out because I enjoyed all I heard, but Lee Binz was the most helpful for me. She talked about grading and GPAs and a little about transcripts.
3. Tim Hawkins! We laughed for and hour and a half solid!
4. I was able to purchase the next math and science books.
5. I was able to purchase a few extras also.
6. I got a few ideas about doing history in high school the Charlotte Mason way.
7. I got to watch HGTV and Food Network for two nights. ;-)
8. Amy was old enough to go to sessions by herself. We all went to different sessions, thus maximizing the value. She liked Andrew Pudewa and Doug Phillips the most.
9. We were able to stay at the hotel adjoining the convention center. That was so convenient. We could go to our room when we were tired and it was a great meeting point.
10. My sister is only about two hours from Cincinnati, so we went to visit. We got to see the entire family minus one. It was a relaxing Sunday visit.
11. We enjoy worshiping with their church. The Bible teaching is usually pretty good there.
12. Got to see Michael plant himself under the basketball net and get knocked over just for the purpose of getting a foul called against the other team. (I'm pretty sure I didn't quite say that correctly.) The basketball game was intense.
13. Safe travel.
14. The IKEA store.
15. Great dog sitters! Sadie did really well this time. :)
16. My own bed. :)

For the prayer requests.
1. I'm sick. So far, it feels like a cold. :( I hope it's better tomorrow morning and no worse than a cold.
2. I'd like prayer for the headache that has been around for almost two months. Right now it's in a localized place. I'll be talking to the Dr. about it in about a week.
3. We have a busy week. I'm so thankful that one of tomorrow's obligations got canceled.

Off to get to bed.


Happymom4 aka Hope Anne said...

Sounds like we definitely NEED to trade prayers for health for each other!! I was privileged to hear Mr. Pudewa last year and am not surprised Amy liked him. I'd have loved to have had Charity along last year.

Mom said...

Sorry to hear you are still plagued with a headache. Hope you get some satisfaction when you see the Dr. Glad you had a good time anyway.

Christine said...

I am so missing that convention. I cannot get good information about either local convention here so I may just skip it. However, I so need some time in vendor hall. Maybe I'll go to the one in my city this summer.

On another note, I'm so sorry that you still have your headache. I'll be praying that the doctor will have a solution that will bring you relief.

Cheri said...

Hope you are feeling better - but I'm glad to hear you had a good conference. It has been y-e-a-r-s since I attended one - can't believe I have been done with homeschooling for four years now!

Tim Hawkins is a hoot!

And IKEA - love that store. We don't have one anywhere near here and that is probably best. :)