Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quilt blocks

There's only one quilt block left to make this coming Friday, then on Dec. 3 we all get together to finish our quilts by putting all the blocks together with sashing. Then we'll add borders. The quilt size will be 68 inches square unless we add more borders. I want mine to be a large throw size, so I'm planning to add more.

This is the layout minus the last block.

I finally figured out what I'm going to do with it. But I can't tell you right now.

There are lots of half square triangles in this quilt and mine rarely match at the points like they should. I couldn't figure out why until yesterday, now that it's almost done. But I do understand now what I was doing wrong (it has to do with how I was sqaring them up) and from now on I should be able to make them better. :)

On the health front, the beginning of last week was lousy, but I've had almost four good days in a row. :) I'm so thankful. I found a homeopathic remedy specifically for dizziness and nausea and it seems to be helping. Whenever I go through something I do not like, after all my whining and crying, I try to find the positive in it. Two things I've thought about this week are how thankful I am that I don't have to go to work everyday. I'm so thankful to God the DH has a good job and is able to provide for us. There's no way I could go off to work feeling how I've felt. The other thing is that I am (and all of us) are utterly dependent on God for everything. It's by His grace that I can do or be anything. It's by His grace that I live regardless of how well I take care of myself.


Mom said...

It's really cool the way the different size squares fit together. It is going to be unique.

Christine said...

I do love the layout of the quilt. I'm curious though, what is the secret for half square triangles?